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5 Epic Scavenger & Treasure Hunts in Brisbane

Scavenger & Treasure Hunt

Urban adventures that bring Brisbane's secrets to life

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How it works

  • Choose your adventure and invite a team of 2-8 players, get competitive with multiple teams!
  • Solve a trail of clues that reveal your path, sent to your phones as you hunt across the city.
  • Pause at built-in break points to grab food and drinks on the way, all optional recommendations!
  • Read more about How it Works
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Brisbane Reviews

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Action-packed Scavenger & Treasure Hunts in Brisbane

How the Brisbane days out work

Discover Brisbane's secret places

Experience Brisbane's unique places and share stories in independent pubs & cafes, curated for each Brisbane Scavenger & Treasure Hunt.

Fun challenges

Engaging puzzles and captivating stories reveal Brisbane in a new light.

Play together or competitively

Work as a team or compete head-to-head to set the fastest time on our Brisbane leaderboard.

Fully flexible bookings

Alter your booking freely; change the date, time, number of people or chosen Brisbane Scavenger & Treasure Hunt. Even stop and start once you've begun.

Fun activity for all groups

Corporate Treasure Hunts
Work together with friends & family
corporate treasure hunts
Relaxed Brisbane date treasure hunts
Corporate Treasure Hunts
Brisbane competitive team building treasure hunts
corporate treasure hunts
Fun-filled Brisbane hen-do treasure hunts

Ready? Book your Scavenger & Treasure Hunt today

Your Brisbane Scavenger Hunt: Transform Brissy Into a Living Treasure Chest


Your urban odyssey starts here…

Welcome to Brissy, Queensland’s capital and Australia’s third most populous city!

To the untrained eye, Brisbane’s CBD might look unassuming. But just beneath the surface lie many city secrets, quirks and mysteries that can only be revealed by the bravest and best city detectives and puzzle-solvers. Are you up to the task? Only one way to find out…

Unleash your creative and curious mind as you delve into a treasure hunt in Brisbane that takes you beyond the obvious and into the previously unknown and unnoticed with CityDays!

Get The Most Out of Your Scavenger Hunt in Brisbane


Our Brisbane scavenger hunt transforms you and your friends, family, colleagues or whoever into detectives, explorers and tour guides all at the same time. 

You answer the clues, you discover the secret sights and hidden gems, and it’s your team that competes for top spot on our leaderboard.

We’ve worked hard to make sure there’s something for everyone who plays our Brisbane treasure hunt. So if it’s history, pubs, cosy cafes, weird geographical quirks or the satisfaction of solving a murder mystery you’re after - know that you’ll find it with CityDays!

Brisbane Scavenger Hunt Ideas: Parties, Corporate and Group Activities


Planning a hens or bucks night and want to do something fresh, exciting and new?

Or have you been put in charge of organising a corporate team-building activity and can’t bear another one spent in the office?

We hear you, and we have good news for you.

CityDays’ Brisbane scavenger hunts are perfect for groups of all sizes. For bigger groups, we recommend separating into teams to make sure that everyone can get involved - plus, the competitive element gets quite spicy when there’s more of you.

We also offer a bespoke service for corporate groups who want to go above and beyond for their employees or workmates - just get in touch with us and tell us what your requirements are. We love a challenge!

A Scavenger Hunt in Brisbane the CityDays Way


No waiting in line, no hassle, no guide, no strangers. 

Your enjoyment is at the heart of what we do. That’s why we create trails that help you explore a city, have some fun and get the most out of a day out.

Take Your Time or Race Ahead: We have an opt-in competitive element to our games. That means that if you answer the clues in record time, submit the best photo or take part in any of our other challenges, your team will be in with the chance to win fun prizes.

However, these are totally optional and if you want to take your time exploring the sights or nipping into cosy shops, rest stops or attractions along the way, by all means do!

Stop and Smell The Roses: We want you to experience the best of Brisbane. That’s why we recommend pubs, cafes and bars that you can use as rest stops along the way if you want to. If you’re raring to go or have other commitments in mind, that’s fine too. You’re welcome to pause the game at any point and resume it when you’re ready.

Timings Are In Your Hands: Babysitter or train cancelled? No problem! Our games can be played at any time, although we do recommend playing during daylight hours (it’s hard to spot clues in the dark and your safety is a priority for us). 

All you need is a phone, comfy shoes and a sense of adventure: really, that’s it. If you have a good bunch of people around you, all the better. 

How Our Treasure Hunt in Brisbane Works


Our treasure hunt in Brisbane is self-guided and designed to show you the good stuff, cut out the boring stuff, and get you interacting with your surroundings. 

How do we do that? 

Well, we put the activity back in your hands. We curate our trails so they take you around a city’s most interesting streets, landmarks, history, and introduce you to its famous figures. The only catch is - it’s up to you to solve our puzzles, riddles and clues to take you from each one to the next! 

Look up, look down, look left, look right! 

We don’t support littering, so we haven’t left any physical objects anywhere for you to find. Instead, we’ve made use of existing buildings, curious city quirks, sculptures, pieces of street art and even street furniture as clues.

We’ve found this to be the best way to ensure that our clues stay put (wouldn’t be a treasure hunt if somebody walked off with the clues, would it?!). 

Available Trails and Brisbane Treasure Hunts


Interested in finding out more about the kinds of self-guided Brisbane treasure hunts we provide? Here’s where you get a tiny sneak peek into where you can find your next adventure…

Heaven From Hard Labour

Discover Brisbane's evolution from a penal colony to a modern city with this interactive, riddle-filled scavenger hunt of its historic CBD. Marvel at the city's oldest structure from 1828, iconic sculptures, City Hall, General Post Office, ANZAC Square, and two Gothic Revival cathedrals while unravelling clues and plenty of puzzles. 

Be intrigued by a uniquely illuminated toad, engaging puzzles, and enjoy rest-stops at fantastic bars and cafes, plus plenty of surprises. This game is ideal for uncovering CBD's early history and modern marvels, perfect for visitors and locals alike to explore Brisbane's hidden secrets with friends, family, or colleagues. A superb way to experience Brisbane's phenomenal blend of past and present.

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