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Singapore Scavenger & Treasure Hunts

Scavenger & Treasure Hunt

Urban adventures that bring Singapore's secrets to life

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How it works

  • Choose your adventure and invite a team of 2-8 players, get competitive with multiple teams!
  • Solve a trail of clues that reveal your path, sent to your phones as you hunt across the city.
  • Pause at built-in break points to grab food and drinks on the way, all optional recommendations!
  • Read more about How it Works
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Action-packed Scavenger & Treasure Hunts in Singapore

How the Singapore days out work

Discover Singapore's secret places

Experience Singapore's unique places and share stories in independent pubs & cafes, curated for each Singapore Scavenger & Treasure Hunt.

Fun challenges

Engaging puzzles and captivating stories reveal Singapore in a new light.

Play together or competitively

Work as a team or compete head-to-head to set the fastest time on our Singapore leaderboard.

Fully flexible bookings

Alter your booking freely; change the date, time, number of people or chosen Singapore Scavenger & Treasure Hunt. Even stop and start once you've begun.

Fun activity for all groups

Corporate Treasure Hunts
Work together with friends & family
corporate treasure hunts
Relaxed Singapore date treasure hunts
Corporate Treasure Hunts
Singapore competitive team building treasure hunts
corporate treasure hunts
Fun-filled Singapore hen-do treasure hunts

Ready? Book your Scavenger & Treasure Hunt today

Transform Singapore into a Living Treasure Chest with a Singapore Treasure Hunt


Your urban odyssey starts here…

Uncover Singapore’s many mysteries and tales of old with a CityDays Singapore treasure hunt!

Like a live-action board game, you and your friends, family, partner or colleagues will move around Singapore’s curious landmarks and historic secrets by solving puzzles, answering riddles and sniffing out clues. 

Absorb history, find hidden gems and explore like you never have before as you delve into a Singapore scavenger hunt that takes you beyond the obvious and into the unnoticed with CityDays!

The Best Urban Treasure Hunt in Singapore


Home to stunning beaches, a buzzing urban centre and an incredible food scene, the city-state of Singapore has captured the imaginations and hearts of locals and visitors alike. 

With beloved monuments and landmarks such as Raffles Marina Lighthouse, sensational displays like the Marina Bay Sands Light Show, and the allure of historic sites such as Forts Connaught, Siloso and Serapong, many people find themselves getting swept up in Singapore’s magic - and it’s easy to see why. 

They are the building blocks of a world-renowned city. Each is a token reminder of how the city got here, and what it took to create it. They are the reason people flock in their thousands to see Singapore and uncover its roots. 

But what about all the things that go unnoticed? The things that even locals haven’t paid attention to? 

We believe that every landmark, building, plaque, statue, piece of street art and even quirky examples of street furniture are keys to uncovering a city’s past, present and future. 

That’s why we look them all up and curate a route of the best examples into a Singapore treasure hunt that shows you the city’s best kept secrets, monuments and much, much more. And the best part is - you uncover them all for yourself. 


Like a live action board game, you’ll move around the landmarks, weave between historical monuments and collect facts as you go. No detail is too big or small - and you may have to look up, down, left and right before you figure out the answer! 

That’s part of what makes CityDays’ Singapore scavenger hunts the best in the city. 

There’s hundreds of years’ worth of history and urban secrets waiting for you. All you’ve got to do is accept the challenge of uncovering it! 

Any questions? Here’s how it works

Find The Best Treasure Hunt Team Building Activities in Singapore with CityDays


Release your staff from their offices and out into Singapore’s buzzing urban streets by inviting them on a Singapore treasure hunt!

Unlike many traditional team building activities in Singapore, our corporate scavenger and treasure hunts give you the opportunity to engage with the city’s incredible history, multicultural heritage and fascinating facts - all while having a lot of fun and learning simultaneously!

Your colleagues will seek out Singapore’s best hidden treasure in the way of landmarks, historical facts and concealed secrets by working together as a team to spot hidden clues and answer puzzles and riddles.

Contact us to discuss premade routes and bespoke trails that cater exclusively to your businesses’ needs. 

Sustainability and Environmental Impact


The whole premise of our business relies on appreciating the beauty and intrigue of urban environments, so the last thing we want to do is leave anything lying around that shouldn’t be there.

We don’t leave any tangible objects for you to find.

Instead, we’ve made use of existing buildings, curious city quirks, sculptures, pieces of street art and even street furniture as clues.

The only ‘things’ you’ll leave our Singapore scavenger hunts with are fond memories, plenty of knowledge and potentially a place at the top of our leaderboard. 

Oh, and plenty of photos too - don’t forget to send them in to us, we love seeing them and we might even reward you for your efforts…

Available Trails and Treasure Hunts in Singapore

Interested in finding out more about the kinds of self-guided treasure hunts in Singapore we provide? Here’s where you get a tiny sneak peek into where you can find your next adventure…


A Port of Many Pasts

Embark on a captivating adventure through Singapore, exploring four distinct facets of this dynamic city with a CityDays treasure hunt. 

This Singapore treasure hunt takes you through the vibrant streets of Chinatown, along the bustling Boat Quay, past the majestic colonial-era government buildings, and into the heart of the towering financial district. As you traverse these areas, you’ll delve into Singapore's rich and sometimes dark history as a trading port, both before and after British colonisation…

Discover an array of traditional Buddhist, Hindu, and Taoist temples, sculptures that bring the city's history to life, and buildings from the early colonial period. Marvel at a legendary Victorian food market and a plaza that perfectly encapsulates the idea of a 'modern metropolis.' 

This riddle-filled Singapore scavenger hunt is interspersed with intriguing puzzles and challenges, along with a rest-stop at a great pub or cafe for refreshments.

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