Discover Secret Kansas: hidden places off the beaten track, historical oddities, quirky bars, sites of the unusual and the unknown.
All Kansas (KS)'s amazing hidden gems in one place
What have CityDays adventurers been up to?
The scavenger hunt was quite fun, encouraging us to take note of buildings and monuments with new eyes and learn fun facts along the way. We really enjoyed the built in break stops at the halfway point.Our only issue we encountered was for clue 15. The designated path to take was impacted by construction. When we reached the location for clue 15, it didn't accept our answer. After 5 incorrect guesses and seeing the correct answer, we believe the programmed answer is incorrect.
It was such a fun adventure!!! Would definitely do again, great way to get steps in too haha!
Profound experience discovering different landmarks in New York. Cassidy’s bar was shut for Christmas but we found Five Guys! Thanks for planning this scavenger hunt. Highly recommended to anyone looking to get into New York City history.
Very fun and engaging! Challenging clues but it kept us interested and showed us part of the city we’d never been.
So much fun. Did it with my teen boys and we all had a good time
Crawl was a lot of fun and very creative. I loved the suggestions of stops along the way and would even have enjoyed if there was maybe one more stop involved or if they came out with hunts that leaned more into a bar crawl theme. Very great time overall and loved the Xmas lights along the way. Would highly recommend!